About 80% of the energy in the US comes from fossil fuels, however, there are American renewable energy companies that are working towards a greener future for the country.
Wind and solar are the fastest-growing renewable energy sources in the USA but only provide about 3.8% of the total energy production. However, it is expected to grow heavily with predictions of up to 73 GW of renewable energy being produced by 2030.
The state government is issuing Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) which mandates the generation of renewable and clean energy cutting down on carbon emissions. As of September 2020, thirty-seven districts, the District of Columbia, and four US territories are set with RPS. Similarly, federal incentives on tax are also expected to cut down the upfront costs by more than 15% while subsidies for fossil fuel generation are set to be reduced.
Renewable energy has great potential in the USA with equal opportunities to promote a sustainable future for the country. Today, let us dive into the renewable energy company in the USA which is leading the industry to make a cleaner and greener future possible. These companies are majorly active in wind & solar energy, however, production from hydroelectricity, geothermal energy, biogas & biofuels is also increasing rapidly.
With constant innovation and talented teams, these companies are working to increase the effectiveness of production as well as to distribute it to larger masses.
What are the major sources of renewable energy in America?
The major sources of renewable energy in the USA include hydropower and wind for electricity and biofuels and wood as biomass.
The USA is the 4th largest producer of hydroelectricity in the world, which accounts for 45.71% of the nation's total renewable electricity and 6.5% of the nation's total electricity. Similarly, 5.5% of total country production came from wind capacity, most of which comes from Texas, Iowa, and Oklahoma.
Solar power is also increasing its contribution to the nation's electricity production by 1.3%. Other renewable sources of energy include ). The US has also pioneered solar thermal energy production which also contributes as a renewable energy source for the USA.
Other renewable energy sources include geothermal, with The Geysers in Northern California the most important geothermal complex within the world.
Now, without further delay, let us start.
List of Top 15 Renewable Energy Companies in the USA
1. GREEN FUEL Technologies
Green fuel technologies is an American renewable energy company that is leading the “CLEAN AIR REVOLUTION” with professional-grade fuel supplements that are environmentally safe and cost-efficient. The Green fuel product line helps reduce greenhouse gases and other emissions by 70% while being 100% biodegradable.
Green fuel technologies have also placed importance on improving the performance of vehicles. The company claims that its product can increase the mileage by 10 to 20% while increasing combustion and engine power. The green fuel product line can be used for various applications such as transportation, vehicle fleets, cargo, shipping, automotive, industrial or commercial to reduce operations costs of energy and to reduce global carbon footprint.
- Founded: 1975 A.D
- Headquarter: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Number of employees: 63
- Sector: Biomass, Bioenergy, and Biofuels
- Significant Feats: First company to successfully use modern “enzymatic hydrolysis” technology to produce commercial quantities of cellulosic ethanol in 2004
- Website: www.greenfueltechnologies.com
2. Inventure Renewables Inc
Inventure is an American renewable energy company that specializes in Unlocking the Value of Agribusiness waste, with patented processes, and fully facilitated labs to accelerate renewable science innovation. The company helps agri-business, ole-chemical, and biofuel companies to increase their overall profitability by finding ways to convert waste products and by-products into value-added materials.
Some of the technologies perfected by Inventure Renewables include Mixed Supercritical Fluid Technology, Soap Carbonate technology, and Biomass technologies which provide cost-effective and fast conversion of Agri waste, soapstock, and byproducts into a host of high-value biochemicals including biofuels, biodiesel, and nutraceutical.
Their team of chemical engineers is also involved in Sponsored research where the company develops and commercializes customized solutions for generating more value. These include catalyst development, continuous chromatography, reactive distillations, and more.
- Founded: 2006
- Headquarters: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
- Number of Employees: 10+
- Sector: Biodiesel
- Significant Feats: Patents for unlocking value in Agri waste
- Specialties: Biofuel, Renewables, Lipids, Engineering, Mixed Supercritical Fluid, Free Fatty Acids, Biomass, Ethanol, Biodiesel, Medium Chain Fatty Acids, Coconut Fatty Acids, and Analytical Chemistry
- Website: www.inventurechem.com
3. Synthetic Genomics:
A leader in the genomics revolution, Synthetic Genomics, Inc. (SGI) is American renewable energy that is harnessing the power of algae to make renewable, low carbon, and energy-dense liquid fuels for heavy-duty transportation applications
Synthetic Genomics is determined to apply their profound genomic expertise to design functionality through biology that addresses the biggest challenge for humanity and the earth: climate change. The company specializes in improving the algae which grow on sunlight and CO2 by turning them into a large-scale and broadly deployable crop without competing for prime agricultural land and water resources.
In its mission to fight climate change and ensure a green future for everyone, the company has been partnering with ExxonMobil since 2009 which has helped them deploy their cutting-edge biological innovations to a massive scale.
- Founded: 2005
- Headquarters: La Jolla, CA
- Sector: Biomass, Bioenergy, and Biofuels
- Specialties: Synthetic Biology
- Synthetic Biology, Fermentation, Next Generation Genomics, Bioprocessing, Bioinformatics, Cell Optimization, Biodiscovery, Advanced Engineering, Gene Editing, Cell Engineering, Scale-up, Algae Biofuels, and Algae
- Website: www.syntheticgenomics.com
4. Solazyme Inc
Formerly the Solazyme Inc, Terra Via is an American renewable energy company that specializes in harnessing the power of algae to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions to the food industry. TerraVia has been able to develop vital food, nutrition, and specialty ingredients: healthy oils & fats, proteins, fibers, and micronutrients from the algae.
TerraVia™ is a next-generation food, nutrition, and specialty ingredients company that harnesses the power of algae, the mother of all plants and earth's original superfood, to deliver much-needed innovation and sustainable solutions to the food industry. TerraVia's algae-based platform is transforming our food system by bringing together better nutrition and great taste, along with economic and environmental sustainability.
The company has spent over a decade unlocking the power of algae to find and develop vital food, nutrition, and specialty ingredients: healthy oils and fats, proteins, fibers, and micronutrients. TerraVia is well-positioned to help meet the growing need of consumer packaged goods and established and emerging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of foods, without sacrificing taste.
TerraVia also manufactures a range of specialty personal care ingredients for key strategic partners. Headquartered in South San Francisco, the Company's mission is to create products that are truly better for people and better for the planet
- Headquarters: South San Fransisco.
- Founded: 2005
- Sector: Biomass, Bioenergy, and Biofuels
- Notable Feats: commissioned 345,000 tonnes of waste processing technology
- Specialties: solid waste management, liquid waste management, renewable energy production
- Website: www.solazymeindustrials.com
5. PlanEt
PlanET biogas solutions is an affiliate of PlanET biogas group Gmbh(Germany) which is a global biogas industry leader and a leader of the agricultural bio sector in North American. Started in 1998, PlanET stands for “Planning and Application of Energy Technology”, and specializes in the design, construction, and service of advanced biogas plants.
The company has over 500 biogas plants worldwide and is catered to local markets in a strategic partnership model that ensures quick ways to profit while providing long-term business success. The company offers services like construction and upgrade of digester plants, renewable natural gases, conversion of waste to energy, modular small biogas plants as well as services for feasibility, design, and other expert services. Biogas plants by PlanEt are characterized by customer focus, reliability, innovation, and efficiency.
- Founded: 1998 (2006)
- Headquarters: Vrden, Nordrhein - Westfalen
- Sector: Biomass, Bioenergy, and Biofuels
- Notable Feats: 16 Million+ Metric tons of CO2 saved worldwide through their technology
- Anaerobic Digester Construction, Biogas Systems, Service, and Engineering
- Website: www.planet-biogas-usa.com
6. Pacific Ethanol
A leading producer and marketer of low-carbon renewable fuels based on ethanol, Pacific Ethanol, is an American renewable energy company that operates ethanol plants in the west and midwest.
The company currently has 9 biogas refineries that are strategically placed close to ethanol consumers and feed benefiting them in efficiency, logistics, and product pricing. Due to the low energy usages and uses of renewable energy, the company produces among the lowest carbon ethanol in the United States.
Beyond ethanol fuel, Pacific ethanol also focuses on producing value-added products at its facilities. The company also produces cellulosic ethanol, high-value alcohol for industrial, hand sanitizer, and beverage markets, and high protein feeds. Now, the company is determined to expand the production of high-value alcohol & high protein feed products while lowering the carbon intensity of ethanol.
Pacific Ethanol also has a marketing and trading subsidiary through which the company sells more than 800 million gallons of ethanol annually, produced by themselves and third parties. With excellent logistical service, inventory management, and reliable supply, the company has been able to scale its sales footprint while reducing the carbon footprint.
- Founded: 2005
- Headquarters: Sacramento, California
- Sector: Biomass, Bioenergy, and Biofuels
- Notable Feats: 605 million gallons per year production from 9 pacific refineries
- Specialties: Biogas refineries, ethanol-based products, renewable fuels,
- Website:www.pacificethanol.com
7. Biodico
Biodico is an American renewable energy company that builds, designs, owns, operates, and produces sustainable biorefineries based upon patented and proprietary technology. Their 20+ years of experience started with a commercial production facility in Los Angeles in 2000, which is now extended to Colorado, Texas, and Australia.
Biodico realized the need for decentralized modular production facilities that would be able to create biofuels from a wide variety of different fats, oils, and available feedstock. Thus, the company specializes in designing fully automated facilities with minimal manual labor and operator error.
Their patented technology - modular Biodiesel production technology is used in addition to infrared spectroscopy and EMF interphase detection for productions, operations, and testing. Moreover, the company has networked its facilities with each other to share algorithms and learn from each other.
The biodico team is dedicated to developing renewable energy solutions that address and complement the global efforts to rectify energy challenges. Thus, the company have a strong inclination to R&D and work on innovative projects with their partners while also conducting feasibility studies for emerging markets/
- Founded: 2016
- Headquarters: Santa Barbara, California
- Notable Feats: Patented technologies for biodiesel and biofuel production
- Sector: Biomass, Bioenergy, and Biofuels
- Specialties: Biogas production, biofuel technologies, biodiesel feedstocks, alternative energy solutions.
- Website: www.biodico.com
An American Renewable Energy Company / Automobile manufacturer, Tesla is the highest valued and the most known renewable energy company in this list. Run by Elon Musk, the real-life Iron Man, Tesla is in the pursuit to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. The company is doing it by producing highly affordable electric vehicles while also focusing on the generation and storage of renewable energy.
Since the launch of the first Roadster in 2008, the company currently has more than 275,000 cars on the market, while continuously making the product accessible and affordable to more and more people. TESLA has understood the need for a complete ecosystem for a sustainable energy future and thus has created other products such as Powerwall, Powerpack, and Solar Roof as well as the Giga factory to reduce battery cell costs. Combining the power of electric cars, batteries, and renewable energy generation, the company is dedicated to creating 100% renewable energy grids.
- Founded: 2005
- Headquarters: Palo Alto, California
- Specialties: Electric cars, giant batteries, solar energy, clean energy products.
- Sector: Hydro, Solar, and Wind
- Notable Feats:362 Billion $ Market Cap Value and being the highest valued automobile company in the world.
- Website:www.tesla.com
9. Sunnova
Sunnova Energy International Inc. is an American renewable energy company that provides residential solar and energy storage service to customers across the U.S and it;s territories. The company is a market leader with a global vision and local focus.
The company promotes power energy independence for homeowners and aims to be the source of clean, affordable, and reliable energy for all.
Sunnova company currently provides services in coordination with local qualified contractors to help build new solar homes, add a solar battery, and also protect the solar cells. The company is one of the leading installers of Tesla’s PowerWall batteries.
Sunnova energy has a special warranty - Sunnova Protect which provides a limited manufacturer warranty while also coordinating the maintenance and repairs without the hassle of negotiating or claiming. The company focuses on customer satisfaction and provides them with a separate portal from where the customers can monitor the system, know about their charges while also allowing for online payments.
- Founded: 2012
- Headquarters: Houston, Texas
- Employees: 300+
- Specialties: Solar Energy, Solar Services, Battery Storage
- Website: www.sunnova.com
10. Aesolar
AES Solar (Advanced Energy Solutions Group, Inc) is an Illinois-based American renewable energy company that is contributing to the sustainable economy by making renewable energy accessible to America’s neighborhood. The company not only designs install and sells equipment to save energy & money but also is active educators in the sector. The company specializes in micro-hydro, wind, solar power while also including human power.
Moreover, the company is also focused on unusual power production, energy educational systems, and off-grid systems. Currently, in the 21 years of their runny, the company has deep knowledge of the latest technology, tax credits, and innovations in the industry. This allows them to provide families and businesses with the best possible experience from the get-go as well as in the long run.
- Founded: 1999
- Headquarters: Carterville, Illinois
- Specialties: solar installation, renewable energy, unusual power production, bicycle power, energy educational systems, off-grid systems, energy efficiency, and Grid-tied solar
- Notable Feats: Officially installed 1 million watts of solar by 2019
- Sectors: Hydro, Solar & Wind
- Website: www.aessolar.com
11. Geronimo Energy (national grid)
Geronimo Energy, a National Grid company, is an American renewable energy development company with roots in the agricultural sector. The company provides custom renewable energy solutions for utilities and corporations through its headquarters in Minneapolis and other satellite offices located in southwest Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Illinois, New York, Colorado, Alabama, and Michigan.
The company has a multi-gigawatt renewable energy portfolio of projects under construction and operation that are dedicated to helping in business growth by harnessing renewable energy. Moreover, the company has many wind farms that are farmer-friendly, community-driven, and beneficial for rural communities.
Geronimo energy believes in leaving the world a better place than it was before the company touched it and the company is doing it by helping the environment, communities, employees, and shareholders.
- Founded: 2004
- Headquarters: Bloomington, Minnesota
- Specialties: Wind Energy, Community Wind, Green Energy, Renewable Energy, Development, Solar Energy, Utility-scale, Community solar, Commercial wind energy, Commercial solar energy, Construction, and Operations and ownership
- Employees: ~200
- Sectors: Hydro, Solar & Wind
- Notable Feats: Acquired by national grid ventures on 2019
- Website: www.geronimoenergy.com
12. Silicor Materials
Previously known as Calisor Inc (until 2012), Silicor Materials is an American renewable energy company that manufactures solar and aluminum products, including high-quality, low-cost solar silicon.
The company is headquartered in San Jose, California with a research and development team located in Berlin, Germany, and a wholly-owned subsidiary in Ontario, Canada for silicon purification operations.
Silicor’s solar silicon is designed to meet the needs of the solar industry as an alternative to the costly electronic grade (EG) silicon. Solar silicon helps PV module manufacturers reduce costs while allowing them to meet stringent customer performance expectations.
Besides solar silicon, the company also specializes in Aluminum products like Aluminium-Silicon master alloys with high strength and low weight, suitable for automotive, aerospace, and construction. Similarly, the company also produces Polyaluminum Chloride while helping improve throughput and reduce operating costs at water treatment facilities at municipal and industrial scales.
- Founded: 2006
- Headquarters: San Jose, California
- Specialties: Production of solar silicon, Al-Si alloys, and Polyaluminium Chloride (PAC)
- Sectors: Hydro, Solar & Wind
- Notable Feats: MOre than 20 million solar cells made with Silicon
- Website: www.silicormaterials.com
13. First Solar
First Solar is an American renewable energy company that provides comprehensive photovoltaic (PV) solar systems with thin-film modules globally. First Solar’s proven CdTe technology, Series 6 PV module has the highest performance with more energy generated per module, setting the industry benchmark.
They provide reliable, dependable, and cost-effective solutions and have developed, financed, engineered, and operate many of the world’s largest grid-connected PV power plants. BesideSolarServices include end-to-end solutions for Solar PV plant operations, maintenance & performance engineering for thin film, and silicon technology.
First Solar is dedicated to protect and enhance the environment throughout the lifecycle from raw materials to the module to recycling. The Company leads the way towards a sustainable energy future with the lowest carbon footprint, lowest water usage, and fastest energy payback of any PV technology.
- Founded: 1999
- Headquarters: Tempe, Arizona
- Specialties: Operations & Maintenance, Thin-film solar panel manufacturing, Advanced controls & grid integration, Remote diagnostics, Power forecasting, and Off-grid, desalination & mining power systems
- Sectors: Hydro, Solar & Wind
- Number of employees: 6400
- Notable Feats: As of 2010, First Solar was considered the second-largest maker of PV modules worldwide In 2011, it ranked first on Forbes's list of America's 25 fastest-growing technology companies
- Website: www.firstsolar.com
14. Next Era Energy
A part of Florida Power & Light company, one of the largest electric utility holding companies in the world, that has been powering America since 1925, NextEra Energy is an American Renewable Energy Company with headquarters at Juno Beach, Florida. The company is also a fortune 500 company with over 45,900 megawatts of generating capacity, 10 million+ electricity users, and 18,000 employees across the US and Canada.
The subsidiaries of the holding company and affiliates of NextEra Energy include Florida Power & Light, NextEra Energy Resources (NEER), NEE Partners, NEE Services, and Gulf Power Company. Together, they are the world’s largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and sun. In addition, to wind and solar, NEER owns and operates production plans powered by natural, gas, nuclear energy, and oil.
Next Era Energy is a company with a rich history that is also paving the way for the new American era of energy.
- Founded: 2012(NEE) - 1984(FPL Holding) - 1925(FPL)
- Headquarters: Juno Beach, Florida
- Specialties: Photovoltaic modules, photovoltaic systems, solar projects, PV applications, bankability, solar farms, etc.
- Sectors: Hydro, Solar & Wind
- Notable Feats: Top 20 In the world for innovation & Top 200 Company (Fortune)
- Number of employees: 13,478
- Website: www.nexteraenergy.com
15. Green Mountain Energy
Green Mountain Energy is an American renewable energy company that is one of the oldest serving renewable energy retailers in the country. Started in 1997, GME is changing the way of power by building 10% clean, renewable wind and solar energy plans for homes and businesses.
They have been helping the environment and with their customers, they have been able to avoid more than 81 billion pounds of C02 emission to date.
Moreover, they are determined to make a positive environmental impact by supporting cleaner greed, reducing carbon footprints, and promoting sustainable living solutions, renewable energy plans, and the purchase of carbon offsets.
The company is also an active participator in nonrenewable energy projects and have donated more than $10 million in grants to nonprofits for sustainability projects focused on renewable energy, energy efficiency, resource conservation, and environmental stewardship
- Founded: 1997
- Headquarters: Houston, TX
- Specialities: renewable energy credits, carbon offsets, clean energy, renewable energy, electricity, energy, green business, green business solutions, residential electricity, commercial electricity, wind power, solar power, energy efficiency, demand response, and sustainability
- Sectors: Hydro, Solar & Wind
- Notable Feats: $10 million in grants to nonprofits
- Number of Employees: 500+
- Website: www.green mountain energy.com
How much of US energy is produced by renewable energy companies in the US?
In 2019, renewable energy sources accounted for about 11% of total U.S. energy consumption and about 17% of electricity generation which amounts to nearly 11.5 quadrillion British thermal units.
The US is home to a thriving renewable energy industry, with globally competitive renewable energy companies working on the wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, biomass, and biofuels sectors.
Today, the US has the foremost geothermal capacity of any country (3.7 GW); has the third-largest bioenergy capacity (14.2 GW); the second-largest wind capacity (97.2 GW); the second-largest hydropower capacity (102.1 GW); and therefore the second-largest solar capacity (67 GW).
Renewable Energy Consumption in the USA
There are four main areas of renewable energy consumption as end products: transportation, residential, commercial, and industrial. 56% of total US renewable energy consumption was done for electric power.
Recently, in 2019 U.S. annual energy consumption from renewable sources exceeded coal consumption for the first time since before 1885, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Monthly Energy Review.
The United States is a leader in global technological advancements while also being one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gases and other toxic emissions. Now, as the need for a sustainable future requires more clean and green renewable energy, American Renewable Energy companies are stepping up and taking the lead.
From a local approach to global expansion, these companies are constantly innovating to maximize efficiency while respecting the environment and giving back to the community. The constant focus is to reduce emissions, optimize energy uses, and make it accessible and affordable to a large number of people.
Now, to recap the list, here are the top 15 Renewable Energy Company in the USA: