Perspectives of Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
  • Author:
    Anoop Singh, Dheeraj Rathore, Deepak Pant, Shaili Srivastava
  • Abstract:

    Microbes are the integral parts of the nature and played an important role in natural recycling of materials. Various natural, synthetic materials and xenobiotics are being added in the environment due to developmental activity, industrial growth, and modern life style. 

    These materials are complex and recalcitrant in nature and cause serious threat to the environmental sustainability. Recent advancement of research in microbiology and molecular tools showed positive response to reduce the environmental problem and suggested that the microbes can play an important role to resolve environmental problem. The waste generated during the production process arise the new synthetic materials which exert higher pressure on the microorganisms. This may cause natural evolution and genetic changes in environmental microbes. 

    In view of above current scenario is to identify potential microbes from the contaminated environment and use of genetically engineering to improve the efficiency of microbes for production and degradation process.

  • Journal:
    Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology Volume 1: Biovalorization of Solid Waste
  • Publisher:
  • Volume (Issue):
  • Page:
  • Sector:
    Biomass and Biowaste   
  • Publication Type:
    Research Article
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