Currently, Kenya leads the race to exploit renewable energy sources in Africa. Furthermore, renewable energy has been the critical energy sub-sectors when it comes to contributing to the overall energy mix in the country. The country literally grew from zero in 2019 to over USD. 1.3 billion in 2010. Not just in one technology but in various technologies like wind, geothermal, small-scale hydro as well as biofuels. The government of Kenya as well as various renewable energy companies in Kenya all have played a vital role in making this renewable energy in Kenya scenario a reality.
Not to forget to mention, Kenya is also Africa’s first country that produced Geothermal power. Moreover, the country has the highest number of solar power systems installed per capita in the whole of Africa. Similarly, Kenya is also the frontrunner when it comes to pricing geothermal energy producers. The country is the first that opened a carbon exchange.
At the moment being, Kenya’s 70 percent installed electricity capacity transpires via renewable energy sources. The number is more than three times the global average when calculated.
Furthermore, Kenya targets to triple the number of people connected to its power grid for energy. The target is to reach 60 percent of the population. Moreover, the country has invested massively in geothermal energy. The reason is clear, geothermal energy comes in low-cost has is low-emissions energy. According to a report published by Renewables 108 Global Status Report, Kenya ranks in 9th place in the world for generating geothermal energy with 700 MegaWatt (MW).
Similarly, at Lake Turkana in Kenya’s Rift Valley, Africa’s largest single wind power facility is being built whilst different investments to build other various wind power plants as well. Right now, almost 9 million households currently have access to off-grid renewable energy in Kenya and the number is set to further rise dramatically in the near future.
Furthermore, the President of Kenya called on Europe as well as other industrialized economies to support Kenya’s investment in renewable energy at the Paris Peace Forum in France. Kenya even co-hosted the Sustainable Blue Economy Conference with Canada as well as Japan that was held in November 2018.
Source | Kiplagat et al., 2011
What are the major sources of renewable energy in Kenya?
The major sources of renewable energy in Kenya are Hydropower, Geothermal, Bioenergy, Wind as well as solar. Furthermore, the country has only harnessed about 30 percent of its hydropower sources and 4 percent of geothermal energy while the number is even lower in terms of wind and solar sources. However, hydropower accounts for about 49 percent of Kenya’s power while geothermal accounts for 20 percent.
Currently, Kenya has a total of 826.23 MegaWatt (MW) worth of hydropower installed. Additionally, small hydropower is estimated to have 3,000 MW of potential. But only 30 MW is being exploited while only 15 MW Supplies the grid. There are many hydropower stations in Kenya but the one that stands out on the top is Gitaru Power Station. This hydropower station produces 222 MW of power as well as was commissioned in 1970 (145 MW) and 1999 (80 MW).
In Kenya, high installation investment averages almost USD. 2,500 per KiloWatt. Furthermore, the country has the only limited local capacity to put on small hydropower components thereby leading to the exploitation of small-scale hydro-electricity projects. However, to tackle all these hurdles, the Government of Kenya has carried our phased feasibility studies.
In terms of Geothermal, the country is located within the Rift Valley. So, it is estimated that Kenya has a geothermal power potential of between 7,000 MW to 10,000 MW. These spreads over more than 14 prospective sites. Likewise, all these prospective sites are divided for several reasons. Administrative purpose, into north and south as well as central rift geothermal fields, are some of the reasons.
In 1957, the exploration of geothermal energy began. The Kenya Power and Lighting Company powered the initiation and Kenya Electricity Generating Company took it. Right now, the Geothermal Development Company looks as well as carries out all the work regarding the exploration of geothermal sources. It is estimated that Kenya has the potential of generating almost 10 GW of geothermal energy.
When it comes to Solar power, the country leads the whole world in the number of solar power systems installed on a per capita basis. Also, local citizens are shifting towards using solar power rather than going for the country’s official electric grids. There are various operational solar power stations in Kenya. Among these, Garissa Solar power station with the production of 55 MW leads them all.
Moreover, world giants like The World Bank as well as International Finance Corporation have partnered with the country as part of a Lightning Africa initiative. Kenya is estimated to have a solar potential of almost 15000 MW. Currently, the country only generates 100 MW of solar energy. When calculated, the country has only tapped 1 percent of solar energy potential.
Coming to the wind, Kenya is endowed with abundant wind speeds. 73 percent of Kenya’s lands experience wind speeds of 6 m/s and higher at 100 meters above ground level. Currently, the country has installed wind energy capacity worth 336.05 MW. Likewise, the largest wind farm in Africa that will generate 300 MW is being built in Turkana, Kenya. Therefore, the numbers are about to upheave dramatically.
Furthermore, an average of 80-100 small wind turbines have already been installed but mostly as a part of hybrid PV-wind systems with battery storage. The Ngog hills also have wind farms that can generate 5.1 MW whilst private investors planning to install several MegatWatt of more capacity.
Last but not least comes Bioenergy. Over 8000 biogas plants are utilizing various raw materials in Kenya. Agricultural wastes, slaughterhouse waste, municipal wastes are some of the mainly used raw material in the process. Currently, the installed electric capacity potential ranges from 29 to 131 MW across all sources. This is about 3.2 to 16.4 percent of the total electricity production. Bioenergy contribution to the country’s final energy demand is about 70 percent. However, the country provides bioenergy for more than 90 percent of rural household energy needs.
Source |
List of Renewable Energy Companies in Kenya
In the unwavering, always forward going momentum of renewable energy in Kenya, various renewable energy companies in Kenya have helped the country as well the Government of Kenya. These companies work with the motive to make renewable energy more accessible. Let’s see some of the top renewable energy companies in Kenya.
On top of our list of top renewable companies in Kenya, we have is simply a prefabricated modular biodigester package. This biodigester package includes a full suite of biogas appliances as well as connections. It’s easy to install and use. Furthermore, their patented high-efficiency biodigesters receive organic waste as well as transform into renewable biogas and powerful organic fertilizer for rich soil.
The company is committed to proactively work with passion every single day for farmer's wellbeing as well as Earth’s ecosystem protection.
The company has worked internationally with success stories from countries like India, Mexico, Kenya, Latam, and more. However, their biodigester is designed to serve smallholder farms. Almost 400 million smallholder farmers worldwide could use biodigesters to meet domestic energy as well as biofertilizers' needs generating savings as well as increasing yields and income. Biodigesters allows productive farmers as well as agribusiness to convert their waste into the productive scale of clean energy whilst reducing greenhouse gases.
Over the past 10 years, has contributed a lot towards a sustainable environment. Almost 17,000 digesters have been installed worldwide. Therefore, over 104,000 people produce clean-renewable energy, over 211,000 tons of carbon emission has been avoided, 13 million tons of waste has been treated, over 48 million tons of biogas has been produced, 3 million trees has been saved as well as over 309,000 tons of bio fertilizer has been made. trains as well as partners with business and organizations to bring the high-quality biodigester technology as well as biogas programs to their communities from their distribution as well as training hus on 5 continents. Their proven model ensures that clients receive quality information, products, installation, training as well as service anywhere in the world thereby is contributing heavily towards renewable energy in Kenya.
Founded: 2010
Headquarter: Kenya
Number of employees: 180 employees
Sector: Biomass, Biogas, Bioenergy
Specialities: Biodigester
Significant feats: Project accomplished in India, Kenya, Mexico as well as Latma, presence in 5 continents, more than 17,000 digesters sold and many awards won for their work
Kenya Biogas Program
The Kenya Biogas Program is not just one of the most but rather the lead entity implementing the Africa Biogas Partnership Program. Furthermore, the company envisions a commercially viable domestic biogas sector that would directly contribute towards food security as well as sustainable use of energy and environmental conservation. The company further envisions all Kenyan households accessing as well as utilizing green energy for their homes and green fertilizer for rich soil in their farm.
Likewise, the company is contributing to this vision through our efforts in developing a commercially viable as well as sustainable domestic biodigester sector in Kenya by 2019. Moreover, Kenya Biogas Program is a constituent of the ABP, a Public Private Partnership between Hivos, SNV (Netherlands Development Organization) as well as the Director General for International Cooperation (DGIS) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Kenya Biogas Program started rolling out biodigester technology in Kenya in the year 2009. The company achieved to install over 16000 biodigesters across Kenya between the year 2009 and 2015. Currently, the Kenya Biogas Program aims to achieve installations of over 10,000 more bio-digesters by 2019. Therefore, this will scale affordable clean energy for domestic use as well as for bio-slurry fertilizer for more increased agricultural productivity.
The company runs with a modeled marketing approach that directly aims at building effective marketing as well as business development structure for the biogas sector. The company has named this approach ‘The Biogas marketing Hub Model (BMH)’.
This Biogas marketing Hun Model constitutes concentrating bio-digester information, training, sales, extension as well as marketing efforts around organised target markets that already have common interest or service for farming households. Furthermore, the company has already set up over 25 Hubs in Kenya around Dairy, Coffee as well as Tea Farmer Cooperatives and SACCO’s. These are more advanced in terms of farmer cooperation.
Founded: 2009
Headquarter: Kilimani, Kenya
Number of employees: Over 30 employees
Sector: Biogas
Specialities: Biodigester
Significant feats: 17,134 Biogas plant constructed, installed over 16000 biodigesters in between 2009 and 2015, over 279,300 HA Greenhouse emission reduced
Biogen Kenya
Biogen Kenya is a producer of renewable as well as environment-friendly fuel. In simple words to say, Biogen Kenya produces biodiesel produced from waste vegetable oils. The Biogen Kenya’s headquarter resides in Nairobi, Kenya.
The company is intended to provide a full technological cycle of production: processing waste vegetable oil into biodiesel. The company claims they provide a reasonably affordable price of bio-diesel. This is all due to the high productivity of used vegetable oils from Hotels in Nairobi as a result of the tourism sector as well as the lowest variable and fixed costs in the country.
The company further offers fuel with the same performances as that of conventional diesel, at an affordable price as well as ecological safety. Furthermore, their market is set to expand rapidly all over the nation as well as the continent at large because of growing concerns about levels of environmental pollution and limited supply of energy sources.
Their target customers are transport companies, hotels, institutional fleets, industries as well as individuals. Currently, Kenya has a secondary market of waste vegetable oils from the top hotels in the city as well as towns around. Small as well as upcoming fast foods are buying this waste oil as well as reusing it to fry this posing a dangerous health risk.
Not to forget to mention their business has an educational perspective to it by changing the status quo as well as while breaking the traditions that their team are determined to deliver as well as create transformation.
Founded: In 2015 by Bryan Piti
Headquarter: Nairobi, Kenya
Number of employees: Over 10 employees
Sector: Biodiesel, Biofuel
Specialities: Producing biofuel, Crude glycerin, and biodiesel from waste vegetable oils
Significant feats: Partnered with many restaurants for used cooking oil, Consulting business on how to properly manage used cooking oil and more
Kings Biofuels
Kings Biofuels incorporates in Kenya with the motive of making fire briquettes as an alternative as well as a substitute source of energy to enhance climate change mitigations as advocated by the Government of Kenya and various other foreign agencies. The company was founded in 2015 by Festus KM.Ngugi.
The main objective of the establishment of the company is to produce as well as promote the use of low-cost environment-friendly as well as high-quality briquettes that are made from bio-waste products for use by both domestic and commercial industries.
Furthermore, Biomass Briquettes in Kenya are made from biodegradable waste materials. Saw dust, coffee husks, rice husks, tobacco dust as well as hay are some of the waste materials used in the process. Moreover, Briquettes have higher calorific value, consistent quality as well as are very clean to handle. Plus, they always burn evenly and nicely.
Kings Biofuels made Biomass Briquettes are widely used in thermal applications. Steam generation in boilers, furnaces, foundries as well as in domestic applications, institutions of higher learning, and schools are some of the thermal applications. Furthermore, these biomass briquettes are also used in the drying process as well as in gasification plants, as an alternative to conventional fossil fuels and firewood.
The company is plugging into the circular economy by engaging the production of briquettes via biomass waste. These briquettes are a good substitute for non-renewable energy sources as they are made from waste materials. Agri, as well as waste, is converted into compact briquettes which can be used by industries to power boilers thereby making it a good substitute for coal and for firewood as well as contributing towards renewable energy in Kenya whilst being one of the top renewable energy companies in Kenya.
Founded: In 2012 by Festus KM.Ngugi
Headquarter: Nairobi-Nyeri Highway, Kenol Town, Kenya
Number of employees: 1-10 employees
Sector: Biomass, Bioenergy
Specialities: Turning waste into Biomass Briquettes
Significant feats: Provides its services to giant clients like Dartford Industries Limited, Fortuna Industries Limited, Gititu High School as well as Kiru Tea Factory
Biopane Energy
Biopane Energy focuses on promoting clean energy solutions for the African market. Furthermore, the company also implements operative as well as functional peer to peer trading of clean energy. The company has its own trading energy platform called U-Pawa. U-Pawa platform allows prosumers of solar power to trade their energy with the consumers within the same grid. Furthermore, the company targets industrial, residential, campuses, constructions under development.
Biopane also offers other services like Solar grid installation that uses blockchain technology to trade. Similarly, the company also offers Biogas Plant thereby making good use of the algal wastes in the coastal regions of Kenya. Currently, the company offers its services to giants like KENGEN, ERC (Energy Regulatory Commision) as well as Kenyatta University.
The company works with KENGEN to increase as well as provide more off-grid solar to homes located in rural areas. Furthermore, the company works with ERC whilst focusing on implementing new technologies like blockchain in the energy market. With Kenyatta University, the company works with a mission to make and develop innovation in higher learning a possibility.
Biopane provides accessibility to sustainable electricity to households as well as commercial residents located in slums and rural parts of the country whilst using biopropane from seaweeds as well as algae. Moreover, the electricity is targeted to those only who do not have access to electricity or else cannot afford to pay for it.
Furthermore, Biopane Energy Company also provides a peer-to-peer trading platform for cleaner energy sources as well as environmentally-responsible services. This platform covers a wide variety of clean energy sources. Solar energy, biogas, biomass as well as briquettes are some of the provided clean energy sources.
The company also provides services like waste management and smart farming. Moreover, the platform connects local households, industries, institutions as well as housing communities. Whilst using blockchain technology, the enterprise adds transparency to the clean energy sector. Biopane is further supported by its partners as well as stakeholders that range from national and international organizations, investors, research institutes, suppliers, government bodies, NGOs, other social as well as environmental enterprises, and various more.
Founded: In 2016
Headquarter: Kenya Drive, Nairobi, Kenya
Number of employees: 1-10 employees
Sector: Biomass, Bioenergy, Biofuels, Solar as well as Wind Energy
Specialities: Clean energy Platform
Significant feats: Provides various Clean energy solutions for the African market, U-Pawa Platform, Works with the likes of KENGEN, ERC (Energy Regulatory Commision) as well as Kenyatta University
Go-Solar System Limited
In the 6th place on our list of top renewable energy companies in Kenya, we have Go-Solar System Limited. Go-Solar System Limited provides renewable energy solutions for homes, business as well as industry. The company is a premier renewable energy solutions company based in Nairobi, Kenya. It is run by highly qualified professionals as well as have undertaken numerous projects for NGO’s, the Government of Kenya, South Sudan, and the various public as well as private institutions in the East African region.
The company was established in the year 2003 with a focus to provide solar energy solutions. They believe that they are at the forefront of solar energy development in Kenya. All this just to help the country to develop renewable energy sources as well as increase their energy independence.
Furthermore, the company has been supplying quality solar products, service as well as advice for over 15 years. The company promises that they can help you with all solar needs. The company can provide solar panels, solar batteries, solar water heaters, or any other solar related products. They are ERC certified companies as well as have 15 years of experience.
Likewise, the company claims they are becoming an extremely popular choice for Solar products in Kenya as well as with good reason. They ensure their customers receive high-quality solar products as well as the necessary support needed. The company has giant partners like Kenya Power, Energy Regulatory Commission, Rural Electricity Authority, as well as the Republic of Kenya.
The company’s main goal is to provide homes and businesses in Kenya with renewable energy solutions and quality solar energy systems. The company is ready to help you whether your objective is to reduce carbon footprint, drive down energy costs or secure a reliable energy supply.
Their vision is to provide people with leading technologies in the solar industry to power their homes as well as a business all over Kenya whether it's for residential, retail, or for commercial purposes. Furthemore, their mission is to help people, as well as businesses, transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Also, they want to be a profitable, sustainable business through installation of the highest quality solar related systems as well as contribute towards renewable energy in Kenya to upheave its current scenario.
Founded: In 2003
Headquarter: Nairobi, Kenya
Projects: 300 MegaWatt (MW) worth of Projects
Number of employees: over 25 employees
Sector: Solar energy
Specialities: Solar Water Heaters, Powerbackup, Solar LED, Solar Mini grids, Solar Street lights as well as Solar Water Pumps
Significant feats: Undertaken numerous projects for NGO’s, the Government of Kenya, South Sudan and various public as well as private institutions in the East African region, has giant partners like Kenya Power, Energy Regulatory Commission, Rural Electricity Authority, as well as Republic of Kenya, Provides solar panels, solar batteries, solar water heaters or any other solar related products
Website: GoSolar.Co.Ke
Strauss Energy
Strauss Energy innovation around the integration of energy generating functionally into basic building technologies commonly used in the whole African continent. The company aims to revolutionize access to clean sustainable renewable energy whilst highly widening the energy generating shareholder foundation.
Furthermore, the company is a limited liability company that incorporates under Kenyan Laws. They also provide disruptive energy solutions to meet the gaping energy deficiency in AFrica as well as the world that is in large. Strauss energy’s core principle is nothing except innovation.
Currently, in Kenya, the country experiences 10 months of continuous sunshine. Therefore, Strauss Energy designs building materials that capture the sun’s rays as well as convert them into clean solar energy. The company believes developing and Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) is the perfect solution to the energy conundrum that is currently bedevling Kenya. Nevertheless, these solar tiles work in such a way that they produce power to completely sustain a modern household. All this power without any no need for a secondary power source.
Strauss Energy was established officially in the year 2007 and is a local firm that comprises accomplished as well as enterprises innovators in the fields of engineering, energy as well as construction. The company claims to provide energy solutions that can easily tackle all the energy problems that businesses and households are currently facing. The company stands firm and proves itself by providing renewable as well as effective energy through BIPV technology. Furthermore, BIPV is a revolutionary solar-powered roofing tile designed as well as made in Kenya.
Nonetheless, the company is both tested as well as approved by the Kenya Bureau of Standards to fully realize the envisaged Vision 2030. However, the company is fast on the path of plugging the energy deficiency as well as plans to meet the needs of both public as well as private clients it serves.
The company’s one and only product are its Strauss 1963 which is a BIPV panel. With this panel you can save up to 30 percent on monthly power, you can generate 3 times more solar energy without installing solar panels as well as is 30 percent more cost-effective on initial roofing investment. This solution from Strauss Energy is clean, efficient as well as abundant because the sun shines throughout the whole year in Kenya. Similarly, their solution is in sync with the decarbonization of energy, as well as rightly so since publix acceptance of fossil-fuel has declined.
Founded: In 2007
Headquarter: Nairobi, Kenya
Number of employees: Around 10-20 employees
Sector: Solar Energy
Specialities: Strauss 1963 (BIPV panel)
Significant feats: Developed and built Building Integrated Photovoltaics panel (BIPV panel), partners with giants like Climate Innovation Center Kenya, Strathmore Energy Research Center, Strathmore University as well as The Challenge Festival 1776
KenGreen Energy
Kengreen Energy limited is a company established with a vision to become a major independent, commercial producer of clean, renewable, sustainable energy that would directly supply national power grids. Furthermore, Kengreen energy was also established with a focus on wind as well as solar energy production in Kenya. It’s also one of the top renewable energy companies in Kenya and has contributed to uplift the scenario of renewable energy in Kenya.
The company has strong aspirations to grow in large solar power as well as wind power production across East Africa. This is because East Africa has a good economic growth rate as well as massive clean energy potential which still remains untapped and unutilized. Likewise, the company believes solar PV’s cost has plummeted while diesel costs have soared. Now, as the cost of solar energy is less than half of the diesel, KenGreen Energy offers a sla PV system to offset diesel that will cut overall costs drastically. Moreover, it will also power outages as well as dc carbon footprint.
KenGreen Energy Limited shares its mission with the Deutrex Team. The mission is to provide most cost effective possible solutions for reducing energy use to their clients. Nevertheless, both parties recognize energy efficiency as the cheapest, cleanest as well as most reliable means of immediately reducing carbon footprint whilst meeting the growing demand for energy.
Nonetheless, the company is an independent provider of renewable energy as well as energy engineering services specialized in assessments of homes, hospitals scholls, commercial, institutional, as well as industrial facilities. Similarly, the company also has expertise in proven methods for rapidly and immediately reducing utility costs. Furthermore, they also have developed accurate techniques for estimating energy as well as cost savings.
KenGreen Energy provides services like Project Troubleshooting/Commissioning, Facility Scoping Studies, Design Assistance/Review, Simulation Modeling, Investing-Grade energy Audits and last but not least Impact Evaluations. Similarly, the products that KenGreen provides are Beta Lights, Solar Street Lights, Solar Hot Water, Beta Life Light, Powering ATM with SOlar energy as well as Powering Borehole with Solar.
Founded: 2011
Headquarter: Nairobi, Kenya
Number of employees: Around 10-50 employees
Sector: Solar Energy, Wind Energy
Specialities: Provides services like Project Troubleshooting/Commissioning, Facility Scoping Studies, Design Assistance/Review, Simulation Modeling, Investing-Grade energy Audits and last but not least Impact Evaluations
Significant feats: Developed products like Beta Lights, Solar Street Lights, Solar Hot Water, Beta Life Light, Powering ATM with SOlar energy as well as Powering Borehole with Solar
Equator Energy
Equator Energy is a simple joint venture of two companies; Maris and Nvision. Both combined companies have more than 10 years of experience operating in Africa. The joint venture company Equator Energy believes in simple solutions as well as clear and straightforward business. Furthermore, their contracts follow transparent industry standards. The company claims their technology is tried as well as tested and their value proposition towards their client is simple yet solid.
The company’s business is guided by few simple yet powerful concepts; Energy that pays, Energy that works, Energy that fits. Moreover, the company claims their solar energy solutions pay for themselves and deliver energy that is cheaper in comparison with the energy that you buy from the grid or get from your on-site generator.
Their solar energy solutions are tested, reliable as well as secure. The company undertakes all investments, installation, maintenance as well as servicing work. When the company gives you the solar plant after project completion, the company gives you comprehensive warranties as well as free lifetime monitoring. Furthermore, the company designs solar plants that fit your needs. The company offers solutions from simple grid-tied systems, through solar-diesel hybrid systems to fully autonomous off-grid systems.
Likewise, Equator Energy promises to help you reduce your energy expenses through clean as well as on-site solar energy production. The company is a fully integrated solar power provider which means that the design, installation, operation as well as maintenance of its solar power plants are done all in-house. Furthermore, the company consists of over 40 professional Kenyan installers that have experience in installing both ground as well as roof mounted solar systems. Also, the core team in Kenya, Equator Energy has regional staff in South Sudan, Somalia as well as Zimbabwe.
As for regular operation as well as maintenance, small sub-teams can travel both domestically as well as internationally to each of the solar plants. These small sub-teams are equipped with all the necessary equipment and supplies as well as are supported by online monitoring staff that has hands-on project installation professional level experience. All this contribution of the company reduces Greenhouse gasses, saves water, saves soil, doesn’t pollute the air, and doesn’t cause noise pollution.
Founded: In 1996
Headquarter: Nairobi, Kenya
Number of employees: Around 196
Projects: Various projects completed on Kenya, South Sudan as well as Ghana
Sector: Solar energy
Specialities: Installing Solar Plants, on-site solar energy production
Significant feats: 13,000 kWp worth solar plants installed, 40 projects completed throughout countries like South Sudan, Kenya, Zimbabwe and Ghana
RockWill Green Energy
Taking the 10th place on our list of Top renewable energy companies in Kenya we have Rock Will Green Energy. RockWill Green Energy is a company established in Kenya that deals with the provision of commercial Solar PV Systems. These commercial PV Systems are for institutions like factories, hospitals, hotels, universities, cottages as well as all areas with HIgh Electricity Demand.
Furthermore, the company is themselves official engineering, procurement, and construction partner for AE-SOLAR based in Germany. This successful and friendly partnership ensures the quality delivery of their projects as well as help them to remain competitive in terms of being cost effective. Likewise, RockWill Energy wishes to partner with all the institutions that have HIgh Electricity Demand. Thus, the company develops solar projects that can help reduce their operational expenses by a huge marginal cost.
It doesn’t matter if you are a small business owner, own yourself an office or rent a large office, if you’re a manufacturing plant or a warehouse, the company believes almost any type of commercial or industrial enterprise can benefit from solar energy. Similarly, the company also works with regional real Estate Developers to help under-utilized areas into revenue generating assets.
RockWill Green Energy believes the advantages of going solar are multiple. They can dramatically reduce tenancy costs as well as even create new revenue streams. Likewise, their solar panel can also be installed on rooftops, in parking areas or in vacant spaces thereby benefits from energy rates which are more than often substantially lower than commercial power.
The company’s main vision is to be the regional leader in the provision of renewable energy as well as to be the leader in related products and contribute towards renewable energy in Kenya. Some of the offered products by the company are various watts Monocrystalline Solar Panels, Residential Solar Systems, Hot Water Systems, Energy Storage, County Green Power Grids, Solar Cubes, Hybrid Air Conditioning Systems. Furthermore, the company partners with giants like AE SOLAR, GCL System International Technology as well as 1st Sunflower Renewable Energy.
Founded: N/A
Headquarter:Nairobi, Kenya
Number of employees: around 21 employees
Sector: Solar energy
Specialities: Provides various watts Monocrystalline Solar Panels, Residential Solar Systems, Hot Water Systems, Energy Storage, County Green Power Grids, Solar Cubes, Hybrid Air Conditioning Systems
Significant feats: Serves clients like Mnarani beach Club, Fortis Diagnostic Center and Hospital as well as Medicinal Research Institute
PowerGen Renewable Energy
PowerGen was established in 2011 headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya and is an installer of off-grid power systems. In the company's first year of operation, it installed dozens of solar as well as small wind projects in Kenya and neighbouring countries. The company’s main vision is to make clean renewable energy accessible to more and more people living in Africa. According to their studies, almost 600 million people still lack access to energy which the company wants to change.
Currently, the company has offices in 4 countries, successfully deployed hundreds of projects as well as thousands of people are being benefited from their energy services every day. To achieve the mission of connecting millions of people to power whilst building the clean energy system of the future in Africa, the company has partnered with other various valued companies. However, the goal and mission remains the same.
Furthermore, the company is always progressing towards its goal because of their tireless effort as well as the commitments of their team. Also, this comes from a wide range of backgrounds as well as is united by their believed common purpose as well as values. PowerGen moves while keeping its 6 values; Humility, Passion, Integrity, Ingenuity, Team as well as Positivity.
PowerGen is not just building a company but rather a sector. Moreover, in addition to their day-to-day work of building renewables energy projects as well as bringing energy to unelectrified communities, their team invests heavily in significant time towards building the overall sector for private utilities in Africa.
Furthermore, the company has led the creation of the Africa Microgrid Developers Association as well as is a regular contributor to publication throughout the renewable sector. PowerGen also works to deliver high-quality as well as cost-effective renewable energy solutions for sub-saharan Africa. The company covers the full value chain, from project development as well as financing to construction as well as operations.
Founded: In 2011
Headquarter: Nairobi, Kenya
Number of employees: More than 150 employees
Sector: Solar energy
Specialities: Microgrid as well as Commercial and industrial solar
Significant feats: Operates in 4 countries, successfully deployed hundreds of projects in 8 countries, powers over 120 communities with their micro-utilities, 50,000 people served everyday by their micro-utilities
KENSEN-Kenya Solar Energy
KENSEN-Kenya Solar Energy is a simple locally registered private company established in the year 2012. The establishment was done under the company;s Act Cap 486 of the Laws of Kenya to invest in Renewable Energy. All this was done for Global Climate Change and Environment Impact for the sole purpose of generating energy through Green Energy.
Well, this just has been the part of World Vision for Global Climate Change as well as Protection of the environment that is highly supported by the UNEP. The company further generates power through solar energy as well as providing it to the National grid. Thus, it provides power to the whole country as well as to private users or commercial users.
The company believes that the country’s need for energy is growing day by day at a rate of 10 percent per year. All this because of drastic development in as well as around the country. Also, the Government of Kenya is buying power from neighboring countries at an alarming rate. But according to the research that the company conducted, the country itself has the capacity to generate its own energy through various sources around it.
Furthermore, the company chose solar because it is a promising source of future energy supplies because not only is it clean but is also remarkably abundant. The company’s vision is to be the next company in line to produce as well as supply renewable energy to Kenya. Moreover, they have claimed their mission to generate power whilst using renewable sources as well as make it affordable to simulate the economic growth.
Currently, the company offers various solar products that can be used for home as well as commercial use, solar panels like street solar lighting, as well as portable solar solutions for portable solar energy. Not just this but the company is also currently working on Witu Solar Project.
This Witu Solar Project is believed to increase energy supply share from 5 percent to 25 percent. Furthermore, single targets have been set as for wind power, 1500 MegaWatt (MW) is the target, geothermal is 500 MW, solar power is 600 MW, Solar water heaters will increase up to 30 percent by 2030, waste/energy is 80-120 MW apart from hydro. In all this Kense-Kenya Solar Energy will have a role to develop a renewable energy project worth 40 MW to accomplish in this WITU Proejct.
Founded: In 2012
Headquarter: Nairobi, Kenya
Number of employees: 10-20 employees
Sector: Solar energy
Specialities: Solar products for home and commercials use, Street Solar Lighting with solar panels, as well as portable solar energy
Significant feats: Part of WITU project
Flexi Biogas Solutions
Flexi Biogas Systems is an innovative Green Energy Solutions for both domestic use as well as large scale use. The company was officially founded in the year 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya. They have designed their offices as an Eco Resource Center - ERC. Here, they design simple simple appropriate technology tools that can alleviate daily challenges on the typical rural farm. Furthermore, the company has spent more than 15 years in research as well as development.
Likewise, the company’s products go through rigorous development stages to guarantee sustainability. Flexi Biogas Systems focuses on simplicity, affordability as well as ease of operation in solutions to daily challenges that directly benefits the people as well as assists in poverty eradication. Moreover, the company designs tools that can be used to use local available material as well as where off the shelf components whenever necessary. The company claims that their gadgets as well as tools can be easily assembled by even average technicians.
Nevertheless, many of the company’s products are custom designed to suit the particular needs of clients as well as are always designing new gadgets on suggestion of the users. Their product portfolio is not just limited to Flexi-Biogas digesters but also has Biosangas waste management systems, Evapo-coolers, Chick incubators, and brooders, Biogas/Solar Combo Fruit and Vegetable dryer, Vertical garden, and many more sustainable products.
Nonetheless, Flexi Biogas Solutions has developed more as an off-grid energy solution provider regarding rural domestic thermal energy solutions and tools for the millions of rural homesteads challenged with a basic commodity as well as human right cooking fuel. Combining this with Solar Voltaic, a person has a Total Off grid Energy Solution as well as an instant road out of poverty. Furthermore, the company is designed to do far more innovative work than just cooking, with unmatched efficiency, surplus gas can be easily used anywhere and everywhere conventional fuels are used.
Currently, the company provides self developed products like large Capacity Systems, Flexi Domestic Systems, Bio-Sans Gas, Bio Slurry, Extras/Peripherals as well as new innovations. To this date, Flexi Biogas has partnered with giants like Unicef, UNHCR, KAM, AAH, UNDP, SNV, Pwani University, Kenya Biogas, IFAD, Egerton University, and many more. No wonder why Flexi Biogas Solutions has been featured on our list of top renewable energy companies in Kenya and its contributions towards renewable energy in Kenya is widely appreciated.
Founded: In 2011
Headquarter: nairobi, Kenya
Number of employees: Around 10-30 employees
Sector: Bioenergy, Biofuel, Biomass, Waste management
Specialities: products like large Capacity Systems, Flexi Domestic Systems, Bio-Sans Gas, Bio Slurry, Extras/Peripherals as well as new innovations
Significant feats: partnered with giants like Unicef, UNHCR, KAM, AAH, UNDP, SNV, Pwani University, Kenya Biogas, IFAD, Egerton University and many more
Vuma biofuels
Vuma biofuels works to transform agricultural waste to sustainable energy. The company’s main mission is to replace firewood-as-fuel for the industrial sector in Kenya. Furthemore, the company produces a clean biomass energy product made from discarded sugar cane husks. Also, their VumaBriqa are a superior fuel source for industrial boilers. They believe the time has come for a better alternative to wood fuel.
Currently, the company’s product is VumaBriqus. The benefit of using these VumaBriqus is that it doubles the total heat output, burns 50 percent time longer, emits less smoke as well as pollution, is consistently available, no any clinker as well as takes less time clearing the boiler. The company believes this time is better to shift towards their bricks because demand for wood in Africa could be tripped by 2050 if everything goes further the same way. Therefore, this will lead to deformation and hamper sustainability.
The positive impacts of cursing VumaBriqus are that it curbs deforestation, generates jobs and money for local people as well as reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide. Moreover the company claims that one VumaBriqus is equivalent to 25 trees worth of wood fuel. This, while making people choose their VumaBriquds, the company is aiming to save two million trees in Kenya by the year 2022.
Plus, there aren’t any many options for earning a viable income in rural western Kenya thereby Vuma Biofuels creates job opportunities for local peoples. Therefore, the people can benefit with the salary. In the first two year of establishment, the company had already created over 100 jobs for local people. The company believes sustainable jobs are the heart of economic development.
With the VumaBriqs being used by people and industries around Kenya, Vuma Biofuels have calculated that they will save up to 42,000 tons of CO2 emissions. This number is equivalent to 9,000 cars per year as well as individual's carbon on over 11,000 commercial flights. All this CO2 emissions will be absorbed by the trees they saved from being cut for firewood purposes. Currently, the company has massive supporters like Kenya Climate Ventures (KVC), Hooge Raedt Social venture B.V, Segal family Foundation as well as BestSeller Foundation.
Founded:In around 2017 by Aaron Pattilo and Ian Otula
Headquarter: South Sakwa, Kenya
Number of employees: Over 100 employees
Sector: Biofuels
Specialities: VimBriqs
Significant feats: curbs deforestation, generates jobs and money for local people as well as reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide, aims to save two million trees in Kenya by the year 2022, created over 100 jobs in first two year of establishment, calculated to save up to 42,000 tons of C02 emissions
M-Kopa believes that everyone should have the power to achieve progress in their life as well as access to financing unlocks this power. The company reaches out to underserved by traditional financial services. Furthermore, the company’s innovative financing model offers them instant access to the product whilst building ownership over time through flexible micro-payments.
Once the instalments is all paid off by their customers, they can fully leverage this asset. Moreover, it has been more than 10 years since the company's establishment and pioneered as well as kick-started the board pay-as-you-go (PAYG) solar market. The concept for their business model was first sketched out by their founders on a whiteboard in the year early 2010. Their idea was to simply combine the power of digital micropayments with IoT (Internet-of-Things) connectivity to make financing more accessible as well as solar was just the beginning.
Since then, M-Kope has built one of the world’s most advanced connected asset financing platforms. The company has used it to provide nearly 400 million USD in financing thereby enabling almost 1 million customers to access solar lighting, energy-efficient televisions as well as fridges, smartphones, cash loans and various other more.
Currently, M-Kopa has offices in 5 countries globally, has over 1000 employees and serves more than 900,000 customers. The company’s main motive is to make their customers love them. This motivation is clearly shared by their entire team as well as is evidenced in the quality of their products.
Furthermore, the company also promises to provide a GREAT after sale service experience to their customers. Plus, their commitment is that their customers are at the heart of every decision that they make. The company claims that in every product that company develops and in every market it serves, it wants its customers to always choose them. Currently, the company offers products like budget smartphones, mid-range smartphones, solar products like M-KOPA 6, M-KOPA 600, M-KOPA 6000, and M-KOPA 6500.
When you make reliable payments on these types of first products, you can earn trust to use other services like Cash loans, Hospital cash, Zuku content (satellite tv set) as well as Jikoka (cooking stove). Well, this much reason is more than enough to witness how M-Kopa is contributing towards renewable energy in Kenya whilst being one of the top renewable energy companies in Kenya.
Founded: In early 2010
Headquarter: Kilimani, Nairobi, Kenya
Number of employees: over 1000 employees
Sector: Solar energy, Financial Service provider
Specialities: budget smartphones, mid-range smartphones, solar products like M-KOPA 6, M-KOPA 600, M-KOPA 6000, and M-KOPA 6500, Cash loans, Hospital cash, Zuku content (satellite tv set) as well as Jikoka (cooking stove)
Significant feats: Has 5 offices globally, Has over 900,000 customers
How much renewable energy does Kenya use?
When it comes to consuming renewable energy, Kenya Pipeline Company is the largest consumer of electricity. As per record in July 2018, among 6.5 million Kenya Power’s customers, 5 percent or else 348,459 to say in number were all customers that belonged to the commercial segment.
The largest 6,000 in that list were responsible for consuming almost 60 percent of the national power. After calculation, the average number comes out as usage of 1,830 MW of energy per month. However, an average citizen consumes just 167 kiloWatt hours (kWh) per year.
Kenya’s energy demand is always lower than what its generating capacity is. In 2013, its energy demand was 1,191 MW while it generated about 1,600 MW of energy. Likewise, in 2018, the energy demand was 1,802 MW while the country generated about 2,351 of energy. Similarly, the country has evaluated the energy demand and production capacity for the year 2030. The evaluation shows the demand for 15,000 MW energy whilst their production will be 19,201 MW. Various renewable energy companies in Kenya played a big role to bring up this number.
The country also extended its transmission lines up to 4,000 km and distributed lines up to 3,200 km as well as built substations with 4,200 MVA. Two pilot projects are underway with the motive to introduce smart grid technologies in various parts of Nairobi, Kenya, and Mombasa, Kenya. In 2015, the total electrification number came up to 56 percent. Whereas electrification in urban areas hit 78 percent while electrification in rural areas it 39 percent. As the year passed the number rose alongside the development of renewable energy in Kenya.
Furthermore, in the AC, the country can supply an economy six and half times bigger than today by using little more than twice its current number of energy consumption. Only, it if was to shift from bioenergy as well as improve energy efficiency. Currently, two-thirds of Kenya’s energy comes via bioenergy. Therefore, this share will shrink to 15 percent by 2040 in the AC. The result is thanks to the increased use of geothermal resources.
As per the Ministry of Foreign Affairs report published in 2015, the industry used 4229 GWh of electricity, residential use was 2544 GWh, Commercial and Public Services used 1153 Gwh of electricity. The Final Total Electricity consumption number was 7926 as per their report. Click here to see their report in detail.
Similarly, as per a report published on, Per capita, electricity consumption in 2016 was 160 KWh.
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Where does electricity come from in Kenya?
Electricity comes from various sources in Kenya. The various sources include Hydro, Fossil Fuels, Geothermal, Bagasse Cogeneration, Wind, Solar, and as well as others. Total electricity production was recorded to be 2819 MW.
In this, Hydro had 826 capacity number, Fossil fuels had 720 MW capacity number, Geothermal had 828 MW capacity number, Bagasse cogeneration had 28 MW capacity number, Wind had 335 MW capacity number, Solar had 50 MW capacity number and other sources had a total of 32 MW capacity number.
However, in 2019 it was recorded that Geothermal generated 5,033 GWh of electricity while Hydro generated 3,741 GWh, Oil generated 1,240 GWh, as well as Wind-generated 1,192 GWh. Kenya’s total installed capacity was 2.3 GigaWatt (GW).
Geothermal had a 43 percent shares with an average cost of 9.1 per Shs/kWh. Hydro had a 32 percent share with an average cost of 3.2 per Shs/kWh. Likewise, oil had a 10 percent share but had an average cost of 18 Shs/kWh. Similarly, the wind had a 10 percent share with 11.1 average costs per Shs/kWh.
As per reports published in 2017, the energy sector’s contribution in overall tax revenue was about 20 percent. After calculation, the number equals a total of 4 percent of Kenya’s GDP. Furthermore, renewable energy companies in Kenya provide jobs to almost 16,000 both directly as well as indirectly.
Furthermore, Kenya’s Population and Housing Census’s 2019’s report shows that 50.4 percent of a total of households depend on grid electricity. Similarly, 19.3 percent of a total household depend on solar for lighting their house. Therefore, renewable energy in Kenya further expanded and gone wide.
As per the Ministry of Foreign Affairs report in 2015, Oil produced 1205 GWh of electricity, Biofuels produced 122 GWh, Hydro produced 3787 GWh, Geothermal produced 4479 GWh, Solar PV produced 1 GWh, as well as Wind, produced 57 GWh of electricity. The final total electricity produced in Kenya was 9651 GWh.
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To further improve the scenario of renewable energy in Kenya, the government of Kenya had drafted a strategy in 2014 that would last up to 2030. To accomplish the goal, the government of Kenya had hoped for support from renewable energy companies in Kenya which they got in an unparalleled amount.
The 2014 Draft National Strategy, renewable energy expansion plans unit 2030 included expansion of every major renewable energy source. The government targeted to install 500 MW plus capacity worth of solar plants whilst adding 300,000 solar home systems and 700,000 solar water heating units.
Similarly, the government plans to expand geothermal energy by increasing its capacity by 5,500 plus MW. Wind Energy is planned to be increased by 3000 plus MW and biogas is planned to increase by 10,000 plus biodigesters and 1200 plus MW of biomass cogeneration. Furthermore, small hydro generation is planned to upheave by 300 plus MW.
The main aim of the country is to produce 19,200 MW of power against 15,000 MW power demand by 2030. But there are problems that the country will need to tackle first. Furthermore, the energy policy for Kenya was adopted in 2004. However, recent high oil prices as well as the need for energy security have become a more necessary drive for alternative energy, and a new energy policy was drafted in 2015.
The New Energy Policy is focused on being more cost-effective, more affordable as well as more adequate quality energy services on a sustainable basis as well. Such New energy Policy is the reason why the scenario of renewable energy in Kenya unwavering upheaved. Not to forget to mention the renewable energy companies in Kenya’s contribution during the process.
Source | AfricaOilAndPower
Now to sum the article, let’s look at the list of top Kenya’s Renewable Energy Companies.
Summary List of Top Renewable Energy Companies in Kenya
S.N |
Renewable Energy Companies in Kenya |
1. |
2. |
Kenya Biogas Program |
3. |
Biogen Kenya |
4. |
Kings Biofuels |
5. |
Biopane Energy |
6. |
Go-Solar Systems Ltd |
7. |
Strauss energy |
8. |
KenGreen Energy |
9. |
Equator Energy |
10. |
Rockwell Green Energy |
11. |
Power Gen Renewable Energy |
12. |
KEENSEN Kenya Solar Energy Limited |
13. |
Flexi Biogas Solutions |
14. |
Vma Biofuels |
15. |
M-Koppa |